the chaosed beauty..

Saturday, March 5, 2011

What separates great photographers from good ones ????

Recently I had this conversation with one of my photographer friend which revolved around the question - What really makes a great photographer stand out from a good photographer…
It really made me think of how you can really judge someone like that.
I put down my views like this -
I believe it’s a combination of technique and an eye for creativity (and also the ability to draw emotions out of your subjects).
That’s what makes a great photographer.

A good photographer may know all the techniques, may know his camera really well, he knows how to experiment differently by using different techniques and settings.
How is the light going to affect the image, what flash you should use and all those sort of things…
It’s basically he is really strong on his technical part.
But in spite of knowing everything well and doing all the hard work if the image does not speak its all in vain. I mean if your image does convey whatever you have clicked on its own  it’s just another added space on your computer nothing else.

On the other hand a great photographer might not be knowing all the technical stuff in details but knows how to capture the moment. His images speak for themselves.

Its actually you should get connected with your subject immediately once you know what you want to click. All this has to be in you.. no one can come and teach you- ya’ this can be a great picture please click it this way. You yourself should have it in you to grasp with the surrounding and your subject to come out with some amazing results.

As I have said it before it’s a intersection of both the things.. knowing the technical stuff well enough and also having that ability to click at the right moment.

Because, in the end only those fraction of seconds when you click, are really the most precious and treasured seconds which  make you famous.

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